Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mobs at 6 and 11-Former Obama Green Jobs Czar calls for mobs to mass protest about debt ceiling today at evil GOP offices

Former Obama Czar Van Jones says 'the American Dream' is at stake. The 'Dream' is that half the country pays federal income taxes and half doesn't. Most of those who pay are middle class. Van Jones wants the evil half already paying for everything to pay even more. Dreamy.

7/25/11, "Obama’s Prime-Time Address: A Dog Whistle to the Astroturf," Big Government, Joel B. Pollak

"Tonight, President Barack Obama made good on his threat to Eric Cantor to take his case “to the American people.”

The people he’s counting on most, however, are not the general public, but the small core of left-wing activists planning nationwide protests at congressional offices tomorrow.

Former “green jobs” czar Van Jones let the proverbial cat out of the bag today in a column at the Huffington Post entitled: “Tuesday: Rallies Everywhere to Save the American Dream“:

Enough is enough.
Speaker Boehner’s decision last week to walk out in the middle of negotiations with President Obama was the last straw.
The time has come — at long last — for America’s super-majority to stand up against the extreme, hostage-taking tactics of the Tea Party minority in Congress.
Tea Party Republicans would rather shred America’s safety net and also risk tanking America’s economy than raise taxes one penny on their super-wealthy donors and corporate backers.
This Tuesday at noon, everyday Americans will finally have the chance to be heard, across America, at the local offices of every member of Congress. The American Dream movement — which includes dozens of organizations and thousands of individuals who are standing up for the middle class and working class families — is calling for emergency mobilizations across the country tomorrow.
Likewise, Moveon.org has sent emails to its members, asking them to demonstrate outside Republican congressional offices tomorrow:
Our only chance to move the Republicans is to make sure that the dire consequences of their actions are laid directly at their feet. So with other leaders of the American Dream movement, we’re putting out an urgent call for every patriotic American to show up outside Republican congressional offices on Tuesday at noon to deliver a crucial message:

4/7/10, "Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax," AP


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