Tuesday, September 6, 2011

CBS News says at least 3 people in White House got regular updates on Obama Fast and Furious Gunwalker program

9/04/11, "White House Cover-up Makes Continuation of Fast and Furious Investigation Imperative," Big Government, AWR Hawkins

"Last week, I had a post wherein I discussed the fact that the DOJ had re-assigned Kenneth Melson, Acting Director of the ATF, and accepted the resignation of Dennis Burke, U.S. Attorney (Arizona), in hopes that Fast and Furious could be swept under the rug....

“No,” we can’t just look the other way on Fast and Furious. It has cost too much in human life and literally broken too many laws to simply be forgotten.

And since my last post on the topic so much more has been learned that even CBS News is now wondering how far up the chain of command the cover-up reaches. We know for sure it reaches the White House, but who is it connected to there?

According to CBS, there were three people in the White House who received email updates on Fast and Furious. One of these three, Kevin O’Reilly, has long been known to have received updates from the ATF’s William Newell. But news of the other twoDan Restrepo, senior Latin American advisory; and Greg Gatjanis, a national security official

  • only surfaced days ago.

What this means is that the Obama administration has some explaining to do.

(And it also means the DOJ is out of luck if they thought re-assigning Melson or letting Burke walk away could satisfy justice.)

Moreover, it has also been learned that Burke initially covered-up the connection between Fast and Furious and U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s death (God bless the family of Brian Terry). According to a different CBS report, although Fast and Furious weapons were found by Terry’s body, Burke didn’t want the connection shown because it would “divulge [their] current case (Fast and Furious). ”

The trouble for Burke (and the DOJ) is that Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley noticed that while Burke denied the connection between Fast and Furious and Terry’s death for a time,

  • he “readily admitted the connection” in testimony for their congressional committee.

Looks like Mr. Burke has his stories mixed up.

There is also some additional information coming out now about Newell’s communications with O’Reilly which intimate they may have involved phone calls as well as emails, and that there may have been many such contacts instead of a few. But I’ll let that unfold a little further before I jump on it.

The bottom line, for now, is that crimes and cover-ups associated with Fast and Furious demand investigation and

  • those behind them must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I don’t think I go too far in pointing out Richard Nixon resigned over

  • crimes far less heinous than these."


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