Friday, September 9, 2011

'Osama bin laden you can kiss my Royal Irish Ass,' NY Firefighter Mike Moran, Madison Sq. Garden, 10/20/01


At The Concert for NY City, Madison Square Garden, 10/20/01, Firefighter Mike Moran spoke to New Yorkers. Mr. Moran's brother John, also a firefighter, died at the World Trade Center attack.


Ground Zero Mosque Imam speaks on July 12, 2005 at a Prime Ministerial Centre Public Lecture in Australia (video)
  • Imam Rauf: "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non Muslims…
  • --------------------
Ground Zero Imam in 2004 said many more angry young Muslims were ready to die unless the US and the West changed their views:

3/21/2004, "West must act to end jihad: Imam," Sydney Morning Herald, Frank Walker

"The US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end, says an Islamic cleric invited to Sydney by Premier Bob Carr.
  • New York-based Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf,

who impressed Mr Carr at an international conference last year, arrives in Sydney today for two weeks of meetings and public talks.

Speaking from his New York mosque, Imam Feisal said

He said there was an endless supply of angry young Muslim rebels prepared to die for their cause and there was
  • no sign of the attacks ending unless there was a
  • fundamental change in the world."...


bin Laden said in Dec. 2001 the goal was "destruction of American economy".
  • His mission was accomplished well before his death.
12/28/01, "Osama: Hit U.S. Economy," NY Daily News, H. Kennedy

"In his latest video message after three months on the lam, a gaunt Osama Bin Laden urged Muslims to wage economic holy war against a "fragile" America. "It is important to concentrate on the destruction of the American economy," Bin Laden says on the 33-minute tape, broadcast in full yesterday by Al Jazeera TV in Qatar. "If their economy ends, they will become too busy to enslave oppressed people." Bin Laden bragged that the attacks caused losses of "more than a trillion dollars on the New York market and elsewhere." "This economic hemorrhaging continues until today but requires more blows. And the youth should try to find the joints
  • of the American economy and hit the enemy in these joints.""

via Michael Savage

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