Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Political Class strongly opposes Mainstream voters on ObamaCare--Rasmussen

Political Class is exempt from ObamaCare, so they love it. GOP squanders 14 point lead it had over democrats on health care-Rasmussen

5/23/11, "Health Care Law," Rasmussen Reports
  • 51% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, 42% Think Repeal Is Likely
"Most voters still want to repeal the national health care law but are now evenly divided over the likelihood of the controversial measure actually being repealed....

"Similarly, the Political Class continues to strongly oppose repeal, while most Mainstream voters favor it. A plurality (47%) of those in the Mainstream still think repeal is likely;

  • 74% of Political Class voters disagree.

In January, voters trusted Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 important voting issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. Now they trust the GOP more on just six of those issues, with health care a toss-up: 43% trust Democrats more, while 42% give the edge to Republicans. That marks a significant change from earlier in the year when


The so-called Paul Ryan medicare plan was destined to fail. It is a given that it would be sabotaged by the media, democrats, and GOP senators. The GOP being what it is will no doubt double down now instead of realizing its mistake. ed.

via Steve Malzberg show

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