Saturday, June 25, 2011

House GOP approves Obama Libya war, never brought it to a vote


6/24/11, "House votes against defunding Libyan War," AP, via

"The House has turned back a Republican-led effort to cut off money for military hostilities in the Libyan war.

The vote was 238-180....

The funding measure would have barred drone attacks and airstrikes but allowed the United States to continue actions in support of NATO."


6/24/11, "House Votes Against Authorizing--or Defunding--Libyan Intervention," CNS News, Matt Cover

The House of Representatives today first voted against authorizing President Barack Obama use of U.S. military force in Libya and then turned around and voted against defunding President Obama's use of military force in Libya.

In a 295-123 vote, the House rejected a joint resolution sponsored by Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), the senior Democrat on the Rules Committee, which would have given official congressional authorization for continued U.S. military involvement in Libya.

The joint resolution was favored by the White House and was originally written by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.). (Seventy Democrats joined with 225 Republicans in voting against the resolution in the House. Eight Republicans and 115 Democrats voted in favor of the bill.)...

Because the U.S. role is now limited to providing the NATO-led coalition with support – and not carrying out airstrikes against Qaddafi – the White House said that the War Powers Act did not apply....

Boehner said the House would not allow Obama to continue to flaunt his constitutional duty to seek congressional authorization for the use of military force."...


Then Boehner turned around and proved he's happy to let Obama spend whatever he wants doing whatever he's doing in Libya or anywhere else for that matter. ed


Commenter to CNS article

So, Congress is saying that Obama is not authorized to continue... but if he does anyway, they'll give him the funds he needs to continue... America, if
you vote for anyone that is currently in office in Washington
, YOU are
the problem. Than includes voting for anyone that has ever held office
in Washington."

via Weasel Zippers, ap photo

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