Monday, June 27, 2011

Anatomical term 'labia' now included in trips to US airport. Canadian wonders why Americans have given up their country to terrorists so easily

An American notes our elected 'representatives' continue to ignore this illegal farce already proven easy to foil. Obama came to destroy and the GOP won't stop him.

6/27/11, "TSA Obergropinfuhrer of the Day," Mark Steyn, NRO, The Corner

"Amy Alkon posts a response from a bureaucratic bozo to her own experience at the airport. Caution for sensitive types: The word “labia” is included. But that’s because in 21st century America the anatomical feature “labia” are included in a trip to the airport – and that’s what should concern you. As the crack TSA agent informs Miss Alkon, “We
  • go thru sensitive areas
  • with back of hand.”

That’s great news! Somewhere on page 273 of the handbook, there’s a graphic detailing the precise point on the upper thigh where the licensed state groper is obliged to invert his paw....

Lean, constrained government would not only be affordable but smarter. The bloated moronic airport security regime is a particularly ugly example. In a decade of existence, it has never stopped a single terrorist, but it can successfully cow a dying woman born during the Wilson Administration
  • into removing her diaper."...



"john farant

06/27/11 17:32

I am from Canada. We don't do this stuff and somehow we don't have planes getting blown from the sky. Every time an American is humiliated like this, the Terrorist WINS.

It is sad and I wish you guys would take a cue from us and not tolerate it. After all, WE'RE the ones with the socialist society. YOU'RE the ones with that magnificent no holds barred Bill of Rights. USE IT!

John Farant, Kingston, Ontario"



06/27/11 16:28

I would REALLY like to read interviews between some of the NRO writers and congressional members regarding the TSA. I can't ask any of our "representatives" why they are allowing this, but you can. Why doesn't NRO show more anger at these illegal searches? I only see Mark writing about it.

Does any government official notice that Al Qaida basically controls what TSA does. All Al Qaida has to do is send a communication saying they are going to commit some act via an old lady, a baby or whatever else and suddenly we are submitting to new and more invasive searches."



06/27/11 15:55

My daughter: Returning from a month long job, with three neatly packed and orderly suitcases, asked the TSA people to please be careful when going through her stuff and not disrupt the order of things. As they started to disrupt the order of things, she asked again (probably a bit peaved in her tone). They called for assistance and had her arrested after putting her hands behind her back and putting her down
  • face first on the floor.
All this shocking treatment of a 40 year old woman, professional college graduate who has a clean as clean record. She suffered humiliation in front of her collegues, an aggravated back injury and one night in jail with actual criminals. This cost her thousands for a lawyer to make sure there was nothing on a permanent record as well as the find levied
  • by the United States government.

The above is why we submit like cattle and don't want to make waves at the check points. "...



06/27/11 15:54

And no, tsa doesn't get credit for "no more passenger airliner terror attacks here?" Don't you read the reports published that explain the massive failure rates any time the system is tested for integrity? It is still easy as pie to commit an act of terrorism on our air travel industry. Three out of four that try, will get on a plane with what is needed to commit an act of terrorism. Not to mention the whole baggage handler gaping hole. We are currently lucky, and luck is going to run out. Tsa is nothing more than a bad show put on to soothe the masses."



06/27/11 13:15

Just wait to see what happens after TSA has been fully unionized. Scary. Won't be able to get rid of the dumb and the dumber either."


Of course George Bush deserves blame for starting the pointless TSA. If a Republican had started these "searches," massive protest riots would have stopped them by now. ed.

via WZ

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