Thursday, July 8, 2010

Derren Brown Investigates (Episode 2) The Man with X-Ray Eyes

Derren Brown go to Europe with a blind British woman to investigate the Bronnikov method, a psychic system which claims to help to see without eyes. They signed up for a four-day course. Interestingly, during the pseudo scientific education, no one questions the reliability of Bronnikov's techniques, but students spend 2000 Euros for these pointless courses!

Finally Derren tries to test Borronikov himself but he blames Derren for having no scientific and basic knowledge. What a smart-ass!

Other Episodes: [1] - [2] - [3]

File Name ..........: Derren.Brown.Investigates.Part.2.The.Man.With.X-Ray.Eyes.WS.PDTV.XviD-C4TV.avi
Total Size (MB) ....: 352,03 MB
Video Length .......: 00:48:22

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