Thursday, March 31, 2011

The End of the American Economy

(USA Today) - U.S. consumers face "serious" inflation in the months ahead for clothing, food and other products, the head of Wal-Mart's U.S. operations warned Wednesday.

The world's largest retailer is working with suppliers to minimize the effect of cost increases and believes its low-cost business model will position it better than its competitors.

Still, inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate."

read full story here


(CNBC) - There's more than just a whiff of inflation in the air, especially if you're standing outside a Hershey chocolate factory or shopping in a Walmart.
Hershey Wednesday announced a nearly 10 percent price increase across its line of candy products to cover rising raw material costs, fuel and transportation.

read full story here


(Wall Street Journal) - The president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank said Thursday the Fed may need to increase short-term interest rates by year's end if underlying inflation rises as he anticipates.

In a interview, Narayana Kocherlakota said he expected "a big upward movement" in core inflation—inflation excluding volatile food and energy prices—from about 0.8% late last year to about 1.3% by year-end.

read full story here
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I hate to say I told you so, but nearly EVERYTHING I've predicted on this blog concerning the economy is beginning to come true. Actual unemployment in the USA is near 20%, though the government's cooked books show it at 9.5%, the national debt is skyrocketing, and now inflation is beginning to set it domestically, after it's already caused food riots internationally. Our chickens are coming home to roost -- as the saying goes. Our nation has sown to the wind, and now we must reap the tornado.

I seriously doubt the Federal Reserve will be able to get a handle on this inflation problem. I suspect the Fed will increase interest rates much too slowly, and indeed may not be able to raise them fast enough at all, when you consider how many trillions it's already pumped out in funny-money to buy U.S. Treasury bonds. Every single time in history a "slow and controlled devaluation" of a currency has been attempted, it ends up spiraling out of control in the end. There is no reason to believe the same won't happen this time, except now it's the U.S. dollar we're talking about!

America's economy suffered a mortal wound in September of 2008, but at that time we still had a chance. We could have made the deep cuts necessary, allowed the economy to fall into a short depression (maybe 3 to 5 years) and then let things recover naturally on a solid foundation with a federal budget surplus and shrinking national debt. That didn't happen though. Instead we had a weak president (George W. Bush) who would not allow the market to correct naturally, and pushed forward an economic bailout package that took us out of the frying pan and threw us directly into the fire, effectively postponing the inevitable depression and setting us up for a deeper correction later. Then we had a presidential election in November of 2008, and though neither front-running candidate was particularly desirable, the American people chose the worst one possible (Barack H. Obama). With that national choice, and the Democrat-controlled congress, the nation went full speed in the wrong direction, increasing the federal deficit and national debt by leaps and bounds, printing trillions of US dollars in funny-money based on nothing to back it, increasing taxes, and embarking on an unrealistically ambitious nationalized healthcare plan that will cost trillions of dollars. It was quite literally the worst thing to do, at the worst possible time, setting us up for the worst possible consequences. Those consequences are about to be realized in the months (not years) ahead. The year 2011 will mark the beginning of the end for the US economy and the US dollar. We are looking at a minimum inflation level of 10% -- that's a minimum! It could get worse -- much worse. Some estimates put it as high as 20%, but that's in a "controlled devaluation" of the dollar. As I said above, "controlled devaluations" usually spiral out of control in the end.

So what do we do? First as foremost, there is no need to panic. Trying to secure your wealth this late in the game is pointless. Do what you can, if you know how, but don't expect any miracles. Most of the multi-millionaires in this country left two years ago in 2009. If you're still here stateside, like me, you're in it for the long haul. So fasten your seat belts. Over the last two years many people have been stockpiling food rations, water jugs, gasoline and ammunition. That's nice if you're expecting a nuclear war, but that isn't going to help you for very long in a deep economic depression. While it's always good to have a small food pantry and water for short-term emergencies, keep in mind that no man is an island. No matter how much you stockpile, sooner or later you're going to run out. So the most important thing to do is network. That's right, it's time to figure out who you're going to trade and barter with. Start setting up trading networks within your local parishes. Get your parish pastor involved in helping you if you can. Perhaps he can set your trading groups up with a space in the church building where weekly swap meets can happen. Now when I say swap meets, I mean REAL swap meets involving REAL swapping - trading of goods and not just money. Homeshoolers are already well equipped for this sort of thing, whether they realize it or not. They have excellent networks already established. These people may very well become the backbone of a new trading economy.

I cannot help but recall how the holocaust of abortion has exacerbated this problem for us. Over the last forty years we've aborted approximately forty-million unborn children. That's forty-million potential commercial consumers that are not with us today. Forty-million consumers could turn this economy around. A fairly large number of forty-million consumers would be taxpayers. Some of those forty-million would be employers. It makes one wonder what America's economy would be like with an extra forty-million people to make it go. Alas, I guess we'll never find out. We've got a long economic depression ahead of us now, so lets make due with what we've got. It's time to start thinking about gardening and canning your home-grown produce. If you don't know how, learn how, just Google it. The very first thing we need to do is get the cost of food down. This can be done by gardening and canning. The surplus you create can be traded with your neighbors and/or networks. Trading these canned groceries will have an immediate effect on lowing the bills for those in your network, and a cumulative effect over time of getting grocery stores to drop their prices on groceries. Remember it's all about supply and demand. If your neighbors and network friends don't need to buy groceries because they've just traded with your home garden, then the grocery store effectively has more to go around, and that inevitably results in lower prices.

We can do our part to get gas prices down too. It's called carpooling. Again, it's a supply and demand thing. Less cars on the road means less gas consumed, which in turn means more gas available, and you guessed it, that means lower prices. Lower gas prices has an effect on lowering the cost of everything over time. When (not if) it costs $10/gallon to fill up your gas tank, you'll see the wisdom in my words here.

Now I'm not big on "going green" but to save on electricity we may all be forced to buy florescent light bulbs. Conservation is going to become a way of life, not for the sake of the environment, but for the preservation of our bank accounts.

Yes, we will get through this, and somehow in the end we will be stronger. However, when I say "stronger" I don't mean wealthier. America's wealth is gone. We've traded it away for paper money that is based on nothing and is worth practically nothing. If the United States ever regains its power and prestige again, it won't be in this generation. For now, we have "forty years" of national penance to do.

the end of Agnoslibertine blog!

My dear AgnosLibertines,

I have decided to shut down the agnoslibertine blog(!)
I know, I know.. unforgivable...

But you see, I just don't have the time to update this blog anymore.
I want to live a normal life,
living down to earth,
and just be with Sara,
the cats and friends.

I hope you understand.

It has been a pleasure writing these last two years.

Don’t Want to Bore Your Audience? Tell Stories

How often do we as communicators fail to hit the mark in reaching and engaging our audiences?

Communications consultant and IABC Toronto member Donna Papacosta, owner of boutique communications firm, Trafalgar Communications, tackled this issue in a recent IABC webinar, “Telling Stories – Captivate Your Audience.”

“We’re all hard-wired for storytelling,” says the 25-year communications pro, pointing to human culture's strong oral tradition. 

Papacosta says as communicators, we often are guilty of writing overly long articles that fail to draw a reader in.
According to Papacosta, some hallmarks of compelling content include:
  • Headlines that grab readers (short, direct, specific, ruled by a verb, not too "cute") 
  • Copy that targets your audience (requires you to think like a reader)
  • Simple language
  • Copy that's very clear -- shorter words are better!
  • Copy that’s relevant, timely, and actionable 
  • Copy that solves a problem, engages, inspires action and even entertains
She says the best way to create compelling content is to tell a story – and stories can be woven into anything, from case studies to news releases, to videos, to internal newsletters. They can even be incorporated into so-called “broccoli topics” – Papacosta’s term for those mundane subjects that communicators have to talk about. She points out that when leaders in an organization share a story, it shows their humanity and builds trust with their audience.
“Look for stories – they are everywhere,” she urges. “Ask your employees and your customers – find ways to add emotion to examples in your communications and they’ll become a story.”

Do you have examples of great storytelling in your communications? Share them here! 






Wednesday, March 30, 2011

RANT: Who's Obama Working For?

So I don't get it! Maybe someone can explain it to me!

There are those who grow and sell the food, and there are those who buy and consume the food. Why wouldn't anyone want to be the person doing the selling instead of that person doing the buying?

If you had the ability to drill for oil, pump, store, refine, and maintain oil facilities, verses someone who is completely dependant on you for any oil, then why wouldn't anyone want to be the person selling the oil instead of the one who is dependant?

These days, what's up is down and what's down is up side down. Everything is bass ackwords. It is all turned around and the President is not working for you and me.

Proof you ask?

Well, how about the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, going to Brazil and giving them 10 Billion Dollars to finance them so that they can drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

Is that proof enough, you want more?  Well then, how about him adding insult to injury when he tells them that along with giving them the $10 Billion that once they start producing oil that "We want to be your best customers!"

The problem here has nothing to do with Brazil or it's great people.  It has to do with our representatives, and specifically it has to do with our Chief Representative Obama.

Why can't anyone tell him that it isn't wrong to be self-sufficient as a Nation? Why hasn't anyone told him that we as a Nation should not have to depend on another nation for anything to keep us alive? Someone should explain to him, that as a Nation, we should not be on constant life-support completely dependant on other countries.

Yes, America is more and more on life-support.

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, through the Department of Commerce, announced on March 11th of this year that there was a total January exports of $167.7 billion and imports of $214.1 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $46.3 billion, up from $40.3 billion in December.

And hey, it's getting worse!

Our goods and services deficit increased $11.7 billion from January of 2010 to January of this year. And since January of 2009, when Obama took over, his policies have had horrible consequences on our having to increase imported goods.

In January, imports of foods, feeds, and beverages were the highest on record.  In January, imports of goods, of industrial supplies, of automotive vehicles were the highest since October of 2008.

In January, petroleum and non-petroleum imports were the highest since July of 2008.

The January deficit with OPEC was the highest since October 2008. The January imports from OPEC were the highest since October 2008.

In January the average price per barrel of crude oil was $84.34. That was the highest since October 2008 when it was $91.73 a barrel. Crude oil is right now at $104.27 a barrel.

And what is the conclusion?

We NEED the countries in the Middle East to provide us oil. We NEED China for financial stability and most of our manufactured goods. We NEED Japan for our cars, Europe for our steel and other goods, South America for more and more food, and so on and so on! 

We seems that we have become a Nation in need. How can I say that? It's because I believe that we have Federal and States governments who are bent on making our people more and more dependant on others.

Where do I get this from? From a Federal government who is more and more willing to turn over our sovereignty to the over-reaching influences of the U.N.. From the reality that the laws of our land can be held as second to Muslim Sharia Law in our courts just like they were recently in a Florida court. From the whole notion that we as a free people cannot drill in our own country to provide for America First. That's where I get this from.

It is insane! It is surreal! It is bizarre!

The Democrats, the Liberal Left, the Marxist Environmentalist, say that drilling in America would hurt the land and the animals and the plants and the air and and and ....

They tell us that they are concerned with the land, the air, the water, and the people. But their concern is limited to only the land, the air, and the water, and not the American people.

And how do they do this? By limiting America's ability to live to it's fullest capabilities. They limit America's ability to provide for itself. They limit us in the same exact way that other Despots like Gaddafi and Chavez deny their subjects the right to basic freedoms. They attempt to enslave Americans through ensuring our dependence on other countries.

And what do we have working for us? We have a President who works as an agent for other Nations so that Americans can be their "best customers" in the future.

Story by Tom Correa


THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT:  I have received word from a reliable unnamed source that various leaders within the nationwide grassroots TEA Parties are now preparing a "Plan B" in the event the Republicans fail to deliver on their promises for a balanced budget, repeal of Obamacare, smaller government and tax reform.  What is this "Plan B?"  Click Here to find out.

Nostalgia: New-York trip 1992

Okay, so I have this whole box (digital) of old pictures from my childhood. And I figured I could share some of the pictures with my AgnosLibertine readers.
Perhaps this would seem like a weird thing to put on a blog. But being as it is MY blog, and I can do whatever the hell (excuse me) want, this is what I have for your viewing pleasure today.

Here are some pictures from my New York trip in 1992.

World trade center on the view from Liberty island

typical yellow new york cab.

World trade center in the back.. as it used to look.

Metropolitan museum
best collection of art EVER
no contest

Statue of liberty

me and my mom


Me with a big smile in Greenrich village in New Jersey.

By the way, I wanted to ask my readers to do me a huge favor. There is a "facebook fanpage", and if you like this blog, please click on it. It is sort of a way for me to see if people like the blog or not.

USCCB Becomes Partisan Body

(CatholicCulture.Org) - Military intervention in Libya, in the judgment of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), “appears to meet” the just-cause criterion of Catholic teaching on just war. The USCCB, however, cautioned that it has “refrained from making definitive judgments” in light of “many prudential decisions beyond our expertise.”

read full story here
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: The more the USCCB speaks on political matters, the more respect I lose for this bureaucratic body. So let me see if I understand this. In 2002-2003 a Republican president made the case for a just war against Iraq using virtually the same criteria as the current president used to justify his recent actions in Libya. In fact, I would dare say the Republican president made a much better case in 2002-2003 against Iraq, citing humanitarian reasons, evidence of ethnic cleansing, harboring terrorists, and making weapons of mass destruction. Furthermore, the Republican president made his case before Congress first, acquired congressional approval, gaining a UN Security Council approval in addition to the old one he already had, and acquiring a coalition of the willing, all while making his case to the American people. He did this all PRIOR to taking military action, giving the Iraqi dictator plenty of time to make amends by stepping down. He even offered an exit plan for the Iraqi dictator, promising to secure a safe place for him and his family outside the country. Yet in all of this the Republican president's actions were questioned and ultimately condemned by the USCCB as engaging in an unlawful war without just cause.

Now let's fast forward to 2011. In this case we have a Democratic president who made a couple flip comments leading up to his bombing campaign of the Libyan dictator, saying something to the extent of "he's gotta go." He then began a US bombing campaign in Libya WITHOUT gaining congressional approval and BEFORE making his case to the American people. He gave the Libyan dictator little warning, and as far as we know he never offered an exit plan for the dictator and his family. Yes, this cruel dictator was attacking his own citizens who were rebelling against his cruel regime, but this is no different than the Iraqi dictator who did the EXACT SAME THING with just as much cruelty if not more so. However, when reviewing this case, the USCCB makes a statement saying that this may very well meet the criteria of a "just war."


The USCCB is playing politics here. Apparently, according to the USCCB, the unprovoked bombing of another country is an unjust war when a Republican is in the Whitehouse, but when a Democrat is in the Whitehouse, it is likely a "just war" with good cause. GIVE ME A BREAK! How can I possibly take this ecclesiastical body seriously? How can anyone take it seriously?

The Catholic Knight would like to take this moment to remind his readers how ecclesiastical authority really works in the Catholic Church. First things first, the USCCB is not an authoritative Church body. It is not the same as the Vatican. It has no real authority of it's own. It is merely a coordinating body, permitted under canon law based on very restrictive criteria, with no ability to make it's legislation stick without having it first rubber-stamped by the Vatican. Individual American bishops are not required to follow the guidelines of the USCCB, and may at will, discard the USCCB's recommendations in their own dioceses. The purpose of the USCCB is to promote cooperation and coordination among American bishops, so that US Catholics can expect reasonable similarities in the way things are run from one diocese to another. That is all. The USCCB is not a "mini-Vatican." It never has been and it never will be. Real authority in the Catholic Church works like this. (1) Local priests answer to the local diocesan bishop. (2) The local diocesan bishop answers in part to the regional metropolitan archbishop, and directly to the pope and his prefects in the Vatican. (3) All bishops and archbishops answer directly to the pope and his prefects in the Vatican.

You will notice the USCCB does not factor into this threefold authority structure. That's because the USCCB is not a governing body. It is a coordinating body and nothing more.  With a proper understanding of where the USCCB stands in relation to Church governance, we can begin to appreciate the full gravity of the statements it makes on political matters - which is zero gravity. The USCCB has no authority to make political statements and I dare say it has not the competence either.

Now lest my readers think I am taking political sides myself, I am not. I've had many years to reflect on the actions of George W. Bush, and I've decided that Pope John Paul II was right. The American led war against Iraq was unjust, just as the war against Serbia was unjust. So now in CONSISTENCY I say the American led war against Libya is unjust. It doesn't matter to me whether it is a Democrat or a Republican in the Whitehouse. If John McCain were the president bombing Libya right now I would say the same thing. The same goes for any other Republican presidential hopeful back in the 2008 election. My only regret is that it took me almost a decade to see the light on this. Sadly, it would appear the USCCB has not yet learned the same lesson. For my readers I'll outline the conditions of a "just war" below. It doesn't take much more than a third-grade education to understand that these criteria were not met in any of the recent wars conducted primarily by the United States in Serbia, Iraq and Libya...

Principles of the Just War
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church
2309 The strict conditions for legitimate defense by military force require rigorous consideration. The gravity of such a decision makes it subject to rigorous conditions of moral legitimacy. At one and the same time:
- the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
- all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;
- there must be serious prospects of success;
- the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated. The power of modem means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.
These are the traditional elements enumerated in what is called the "just war" doctrine.
The evaluation of these conditions for moral legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Horses: How Not To Name Them

    When picking a name for a horse, I was brought up to look at the whole horse. In that I mean that I'd take into consideration what the horse looks like, it's habits, it's temperament, it's basic behavior, or even where it's from.

    For example, when I was growing up in Hawaii, we had a Quarter Horse named "Molokai" because it was brought over to Oahu from Molokai as a yearling. He was a great horse, sweet, calm and bombproof. He was great for us kids to learn on.

    We also had an Appaloosa that my grandfather called "White Ass." Which of course was an obvious reference to it's Appy markings. And yes, I know, we really weren't that creative were we.

    I knew someone who named his horse "Anytime." It was named that because anytime that horse wanted to throw a fit, it would in an instant. And of course, there was my grandfather's mule which he named "Jackass Ginger." He choose "Ginger" because she was very sweet, and she reminded him of a bartendress that he knew.

    And no, I have no idea if the bartendress ever knew that that mule was named after her as sort of a tribute to her. In fact come to think about it, I never asked if it was a reflection of her personality or not. Naming a mule after an bartendress can be taken either way. She was either very nice, or a jackass.

    But after considering what the horse looks like, it's habits, it's temperament, it's behavior, or even where it's from, then one should keep in mind that that name is what other folks will call the horse. I mean you wouldn't want people to have to call out to "Mammoth Hay Burner Who Throws People For Fun." So instead names like "Mac" are used. It helps when a rider says "Whoa Mac" or "Come here Mac!"

    Of course I always try to keep in mind that the name I pick will be the name the horse will be stuck with. That is, of course, unless you sell the horse and the new owner wants to change the name to what they want.

    I was told that it was not good to change a horse's name. First, it is not good because it confuses those working with the horse. And second, it confuses the horse.

    All in all that's true unless of course the horse has a name like "Jerome," or "Julius," or "Othelia," or "Woodwind," or "Lacy," or say "Marcel." In that case I'm sure even the horse can't stand its name.

    My horse Murphy is a gelding and the lady who owned him before me called him "Lacy".  I'm sorry but I just had a hard time telling folks that I was going to ride my boy Lacy! After all, he wasn't a San Francisco horse.

    And besides, Lacy didn't fit him. You see after I bought him, there was one problem after another for a while there, so I thought about one of Murphy's Laws. The law that says "whatever can go wrong will go wrong," so I named him Murphy.

    Yup, he became Whatever Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong Murphy! And he's been Murphy ever since.

    This all reminds me of something that happened about 7 years ago, when a good friend asked me to help him take his Arab mare to the Turlock Horse Auction.

    He was my horseshoer and good friend, and he wasn't happy with his Arab mare. But for me, I couldn't understand it since she wasn't a bad horse. Besides, she had papers and a bloodline that wouldn't quit.

    To me, other than being in heat everyday no matter what, she was a sweet little horse. Typical Arab small pretty face, about 14 and a half hands, grey, and really not as high strung as some Arabs. And I looked at it this way, that even if she was a little flaky now and then, if she did have the bloodlines that my friend said she did than why not breed her out. 

    I had no idea why he didn't want to breed her to someone who'd like to extend their bloodline. For whatever reason, after a few years of owning her, he wanted to take her to the Turlock Horse Auction.

    So because of that, along with her outstanding conformation, it made me wonder why he wanted to dump her at the Turlock Auction.

    Some refer to the Turlock Horse Auction as a "Killer's Auction" because some of the regular buyers there are looking for horses to turn into dog food. My opinion of the place hasn't changed for year. As far as I've always been concerned, it was definitley a "Buyer Beware Auction."

    So along with me and my friend who needed my trailer to get his mare down there, my kid brother from Hawaii was up here visiting, and he went with us.

    He does a lot of Rodeo. He knows stock and cowboying pretty good, so it was great to have him along. And like he said, "You never know what you'll find that someone is selling. There are prizes and surprises. Hopefully you buy a prize and not a surprise."

    When we got to the auction, my friend went over and take care of business, while my bother and I decided to check out the local horse flesh up for sale. I was not there to buy a horse. I was just the driver delivering one.

    But as everyone knows, cowboys at a Horse Auction have to see what's being sold. It's sort of like taking your wife shopping, there's no guarantee she'll just look at the things she doesn't have on her shopping list. There is just too much temptation.

    My shoer pulled me over to where he was standing just so that I would take a look at the horse, and even my brother who was standing there said, "Brother, that's the horse for you!"

    I said "I saw another horse over there ...," but they wouldn't hear it! They were convinced that this was the best horse at the sale. This was the horse that I was looking for to give my horse Murphy a break.

    And yes, there at the Turlock California, Horse Auction, I found a horse I liked. He was stocky, short back, straight legged horse in the small show coral. And though he didn't have a BLM freeze brand, he was built more like a Mustang than a Quarter Horse. But if he was a Quarter, than that was fine with me because I like Quarter Horses.

    He was about 15.2 hands, and he was being ridden by a 13 year old girl without a problem like there was no tomorrow. And looking at the horse, I have to say that I couldn't help but agree with my friend and my brother. He was built like a tank.

    So even though I really wasn't in the market for another horse, once the Auction started, I wanted that horse!

    Well, I got him. And once the paperwork was done, I went outside to load him. And yes, he loaded great. In fact, he trailered great and rode quiet all the way back from Turlock which was about 3 hour drive.

    Once I got him home, he handled like a charm. Talk about proud cowboys, I think our hats were way too small for our heads. I can say with certainty that at that precise moment that there was no better Horse Traders in the entire U.S. of A. And yes, all the way home, I heard nothing but how good they did picking out this horse.

    The next day I put my saddle on him and we went out for a short ride in the nearby BLM land. A nice easy ride. Nothing hard to handle, especially for a horse built like this guy.

    During our ride, he was a little blowy. But other than that, he worked fine. After we got back, I put him up and since I was busy that day with other things to do. I didn't work him anymore and later only fed him when I fed everyone else.

    Since the horse had no name. I figured that I really should find a nice name for this great looking Red Roan. Beings that he has some red spots on his rump, almost an Appy sort of markings that looked like a shotgun spray pattern, I thought I'd name him "Buckshot."

    Great huh? I thought so at the moment. When I was a kid, there was a horse that was named "Buckshot" that was a real nice horse. It was horse on TV in one of the many Westerns that used to be all over the tube back then. Of course being a Cowboy Shooter, I figured Buckshot would be a good link to that as well.

    The next day, my shoer friend came back out to shoe Murphy. While we drank coffee with my brother, my friend went on and on about the horse that he picked out for me. My brother, not wanting to be cut out of the at-a-boys wanted his share of the credit for my purchase.

    I just grinned and laughed. Told them about taking him out yesterday and how it was. The coffee was good and I loved it all.

    That is until we walked over to where I had "Buckshot" tied and found him breathing fire as I tried to reach to untie his lead rope. He reared back and became wild eyed and crazy. He spun away each time I reached for him. He tried all he could to pull free.

    My shoer friend, who not so secretly always wanted to be a Trainer, said, "I'll sack'em out!" But the horse was crazed! Turning he fired kick after kick at my friend, until my friend gave up out of fear.

    My bother said, "Oh man, Tommy, you been took! Look what you bought! He was drugged!"

    My friend looked at me and laughed, "Wow! You picked a rank horse Pard!"

    After a few minutes in disbelief, my brother had to leave for an appointment in town. My good friend left soon after him, laughing as he drove off. Personally, I didn't see the joke.

    No way, I thought. Since I rode him the day before, I had a hard time accepting that this horse was the same horse that I rode. I decided that I had to ride him out, so I went into my tack room and got my saddle off it's rack and headed for Buckshot.

    It took me a while of fighting with him, but I did get him saddled. Then I decided to take this real slow, and lead him out into an open area.  He seemed to lead OK, unless of course I turned to face him. I found that if I did face him, he'd get wild eyed and pull back and almost rear up.

    Out away from trees and anything else, I put my left foot in the stirrup and then just as I was about to throw my right leg over ... he blew!

    Now if you've been to Rodeos than you know what a Bronc coming out of the chute looks like. Well without a bucking-strap he went straight up into the air and into the air and into the air, bucking over and over and over again. 

    No it wasn't just really bad crow hopping. He was bucking like nothing I'd ever seen in or out of a Rodeo.

    He came down so hard once, that he lost his footing, crashed right into my picket fence around my home, and tore up a few sections of picket fence before moving on and away from the house.  

    Just before he got up, my thinking was that he may have been done, but then he started up again as I went towards him. Again up and in the air again and again until he went head first into a tree. That knocked him silly and down onto the ground, and again I thought that that was the end of it - and again I was wrong.

    This time he bucked over to some water-pipes, and stomped them good before heading for my lower well pump house. Yes, I really thought he was going to take out my pump shack. But instead, he headed toward my creek.

    In the blackberry bushes, he was slowly calming down. Finally, he just stood there nostrils flared and breathing heavy. I slowly walked over to him and reached for his lead rope, then took it and lead him over to his pen.

    Later a friend of mine shook his head and laughed a little when he heard about Buckshot going berserk, saying, "Look on the bright side. Naming him Buckshot was fairly accurate. He is explosive!"

    I replied that I now understood why the people who sold me the horse didn't named him. Afterall, there is the possibility that they didn't want to name something that they might feel like shooting later!  

    Do I regret caling him Buckshot?  Well let's just say that after seeing him buck the way he did, I started to think that maybe I should've named him "Peaceful!"

    Story by Tom Correa

    upcoming: Good will project

    I have this idea....

    That has been like a "splinter in my mind" for quite some time.

    You see,
    I want to help people,
    the world,
    the planet

    But most organisations and donation funds that I have come across are just plain STUPID with no real concept of reality as it is.

    So I am at the planing stages of developing a new kind of Good will project.

    At the moment I won't reveal much about it, because I still need to shape a few things before it can be done. But I will tell you two things about this project that may make you excited about it.

    01 The project will not cost a thing from my part.
    02 The project will not cost people a thing either. (YES, there will be no donations available)

    My project to make the world a better place will come from Mother Theresa quote that has haunted me every since I first heard of it.

    When a journalist once asked her
    how we can make Earth a better place,
    she simply replied:

    "Go home and love your family."

    By the way, I wanted to ask my readers to do me a huge favor. There is a "facebook fanpage", and if you like this blog, please click on it. It is sort of a way for me to see if people like the blog or not.

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    World War III on the Horizon

    Disclaimer: The Catholic Knight does not endorse the ministry of Pat Robertson or CBN.
    This video is provided for the story contained therein.

    THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: It would appear that World War III is on the horizon, and the principle players will be Iran in Israel, not the United States and Russia as has been the conventional wisdom for the last half century. While the two superpowers will likely play a supportive role, Russia with Iran and the United States with Israel, so it would seem this will be a war of surrogates and the people of the Middle East will be made to suffer.

    What we have here are two extremist ideologies set to clash in the not-too-distant future. The first ideology is Zionism and it is the primary cause of this conflict. In the early 20th century, European and American powers grew friendly to the idea of "recreating" the Biblical Holy Land inhabited by Jews. The unChristian notion of Anti-Semitism (what Pope Pius XI referred to as the "superstition of race") was growing throughout the West during that time, and so support for "resettlement" of Jews in Palestine seemed like a logical solution to many. For the most part Jews and Arabs got along well initially. However in 1948, with the establishment of "Israel" as a sovereign Jewish state, the Muslim Arab world erupted with rage. Multiple Arab-Israeli wars followed, with countless acts of terrorism thereafter. The State of Israel is in a perpetual state of national defense both internally and externally, with no possibility of peace in sight.   Israel, and thus the Zionist agenda, is supported both politically and religiously by the United States.

    Politically, the United States sees Israel as an "ally" in the Middle East. It's very presence prevents Arabs from uniting the region into an Islamic superstate, and keeps the old British district lines alive and well.  The Israeli peace accords with Jordan and Egypt help to drive a deeper wedge into Islamic unity. This allows the United States to exploit oil reserves in the Arabian peninsula and Europe to exploit similar reserves in Northern Africa (primarily Libya). The Arab dictators and monarchs in North Africa and the Middle East serve as oil puppets for the West, while the real threat of Islamic unity is kept contained to the north in Iran and Syria.  When the southern Arab dictators and monarchs fail to comply with European and American interests, their regimes are toppled either with CIA sponsored uprisings or Western invasions. Such was the case with Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has likewise been slated by the CIA for regime change. It is likely we will see other governments toppled in the region as well. All of this is designed by the CIA, and European intelligence agencies, to gain more control over the region via the creation of more Western-style democracies.

    The nation of Israel is also supported primarily by the United States in a religious sense and this is through Zionism. Now Zionism is the idea that the Biblical nation of Israel should be "recreated" in the Holy Land (i.e. "Zion"). Zionism was originally a political idea, promoted by certain liberal Jewish rabbis and Protestant Freemasons in the United States and Europe during the last century. Gradually it came to be embraced by American Evangelical Christians. The largest Zionist supporters now exist in the United States, among Evangelical and Conservative Protestant churches. Zionism has two religious components which are considered extremist by traditional Christian and Jewish theologians. The Jewish idea of Zionism is the rebuilding of "Zion" (the State of Israel) with Jewish supremacy over the region, and the reconstruction of the Temple Mount, which will usher in the return of the promised Jewish Messiah who will lead the Jewish people into peace and safety among the nations, and lead the world into worship of the God of Abraham and obedience to the Seven Nohide Laws. Of course this also involves the re-establishment of the animal sacrifices in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and the re-institution of Torah Civil Law. From an Evangelical Christian perspective on Zionism, the support of these goals is only superficial, in that it is believed that once the Jews in Israel are successful in this endeavor, it will usher in the prophesied events of the apocalypse and the supernatural return of Jesus Christ. As I said, both views are considered extremist and heretical in traditional Christian and Jewish theology. However, these extremist heretical views are very popular and they are doing their part to drive events in the Middle East. Every time the nation of Israel builds a new illegal Jewish settlement on Palestinian territory (i.e. "theft"), and American Evangelicals blindly support it, we can see both Jewish and Evangelical Zionism on display.

    Saddam Hussein welcomes Donald Rumsfeld to Iraq in 1983.
    Shortly after the establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1948 the Arab Muslim world reacted viscerally with an extremist interpretation of the Koran not used in a thousand years. This barbaric interpretation, which has been dubbed by the West as "Islamist" is best represented in the radical views of the mullahs who run the Islamic Republic of Iran. Shortly after their coming to power in 1979, the United States sought to contain the Iranian radicals by propping up a Secular Iraqi thug named Saddam Hussein. He did America's bidding for a decade by making war against Iran, while the United States supplied him with the weapons he needed to do it.  Later, Hussein discovered the United States was also supplying weapons to Iran (the "Iran-Contra Scandal"), in an attempt to keep the two powers contained in perpetual warfare.  So Hussein changed his mind, made peace with Iran, and immediately turned around to attack America's interest in the oil puppet state of Kuwait.  In response, President George H. Bush ("papa-Bush") ordered the invasion of Iraq and the liberation of Kuwait in what has come to be called the Gulf War.  A decade later, his son President George W. Bush ordered the job complete with total regime change in what is now called the Iraq War.  These events had the effect of galvanizing Islamist powers in their resolve to overturn Western influence in the region, and have caused many oil puppet regimes to question their relationship with the United States and Europe.  In 2006-2007 the oil puppet states went along with all the members of OPEC and decided to reduce the production of oil.  Gasoline prices surged around the world, and the United States economy, artificially inflated by the government-created real estate bubble, found itself in a very vulnerable position.  American homeowners, overstretched by rising mortgage payments and high gasoline prices, began defaulting on their home loans,  This caused the housing real estate bubble to collapse in 2008 during the middle of a U.S. presidential election.  Of course, this enraged the Bush administration, and so according to diplomatic cables released on Wikileaks, G.W. Bush ordered the CIA to begin work on toppling the regimes of the Arab powers responsible for this.  The CIA, along with European intelligence agencies, infiltrated Arab universities and education centers to provoke and encourage riots and demonstrations calling for regime change.  Again, according to Wikileaks, the Obama administration continued the plan started by G.W. Bush, and was aware the riot-revolutions would begin in January of 2011.  Barack Obama did nothing to stop it, and indeed expressed his support for it at every turn.   His latest action, using American forces to bomb Libya, began when Gaddafi attacked the rioting demonstraters instead of resigning like Mubarack did in Egypt.  This demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that Barack Obama and G.W. Bush are on the same page in this.  The objective here is for the the Muslim people of the Arab world to overturn their regimes (which have displeased the United States and Europe) and install new regimes that will hopefully be more friendly to American and European interests.  The United States government, and European powers, believe they can control the chain of events now unfolding to produce a desirable result.  There is only one problem with this plan.  The ideology that fueled the Iranian Islamic revolution in 1979 has been unleashed throughout the Middle East and many of the people the CIA have been working with are now turning to extremist organizations (Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda) instead.  The supreme rebel leader in Libya has just admitted that he fought alongside the Taliban during the American incursion into Afghanistan and that most of his rebel fighters are connected to Al-Qaeda.  These are the people we are helping with the NATO bombing of Libya!?!  What we have here is a tremendous miscalculation on the part of American and European intelligence which has resulted in us helping our sworn enemies overthrow the dictators and monarch we originally propped up in the Arab world.  As bad as these tyrants are, at least they owed a debt to the West for their power.  Now that we're trying to topple them from within, they owe us nothing.  The end result is, the Islamist genie is now out of the lamp and our CIA sponsored revolution is being hijacked by Islamic radicals.

    As President Barack Obama attempts to explain to the American public tonight why he decided to use American military forces to help radical Islamists overthrow a cruel dictator, let us keep in mind that he is only continuing a strategy employed by both Republican and Democrat administrations over the last two decades.  It is a strategy of intervention that has backfired on us at every turn.  This sort of thing might work well in Latin America or even Southeast Asia, but it doesn't work well in the Arab world.  The problem with the Arab world is that a radical ideology has been unleashed that infects the minds and hearts of millions of Arabs.  It's an ideology over a thousand years old, resurrected to deal with the emergence of Zionism, and it is a cruel and barbaric mindset that is SURE TO SUCCEED so long as the West remains hostile to it's own Christian heritage.  The last time this radical ideology was employed by the Arab world it manifested in centuries of jihad against the Christians that once owned the region.  These jihads carried on into Europe where the were met by a force of retaliation they never encountered before - CRUSADES!  The crusaders defeated the jihadists at their own game, and pushed them back as far as the Holy Land, even occupying Palestine for some time, before finally retreating back to Europe.  The Islamic threat was effectively contained for a time - about 1,000 years.  The bloody and barbaric jihadism would not be known again until the 20th century, when the West abandoned it's Christian heritage and Zionists became entrenched in the Middle East.

    So what is likely to come now?  It would appear the Islamist zealots running Iran have seen the end game on the horizon.  They are interpreting the CIA sponsored uprisings in the oil puppet states as a "sign" that their time has come.  Their prophesied "12th Imam" or "Al-Mahdi" is seen as making his appearance sometime in the near future.  While mainly a Shiite belief at this time, it would appear the Iranian government is using current events to convince Sunni Muslims of it as well.  I suspect they will have marginal success.  Regardless of that, the unification of the Muslim world is coming, in some form or another, and that will result in greater hostility toward Israel and the United States.  It certainly doesn't bode well for Europe either.

    Our own Catholic prophecies tell us of a future time when Muslims and Marxists will take to the streets in Europe together, overthrowing European governments much in the same way Arab governments are being overthrown today.  Perhaps this is a little of "what comes around goes around."  We did it to them, and soon they will do it to us.  (Maybe they'll do it in America and Canada too.)  Those of us who study Catholic prophecy also know how this will end up.  The Secular republics of Europe will fall (perhaps the North American republics too), and it will be up to the pope to save the day.  One pope will fall, and another will rise in his place, crowning a great Christian monarch who will launch another great crusade against the jihadists one last time.  Things will go differently this time.  Somehow in a way we cannot fully understand in this day and age, the fall of Islam in Europe will result in the fall of Islam in the Arab world too, opening the door to Christian missionary work.

    There is a significant difference between the religious prophecies of Catholicism verses those of Evangelicalism, Judaism and Islam.  Catholic prophecies require us to do nothing but wait.  The only action required of us is prayer and personal holiness.  The Evangelical interpretation of Biblical prophecies, coupled with a whole lot of Zionist TRADITIONS, require Evangelicals to give unwavering and blind support to the Nation State of Israel.   This support can be moral support, financial support or political support, but it must be support of some kind.  Because, according to many Evangelical Zionist traditions, if you don't support the Secular Nation-State of Israel, God may curse you.  The Jewish interpretation of prophecy, as understood by most Jews under the influence of Zionism, requires them also to commit unwavering support for the Nation-State of Israel, and the rebuilding of "Zion" which includes Jewish supremacy over the region and the rebuilding of the Temple for animal sacrifice.  This is necessary for the Messiah to come, according to their beliefs.  The Islamist prophecies are certainly the most extreme, requiring them to believe in militant jihad and the killing of infidels to bring about the apocalypse needed to spur the coming of their Al-Mahdi or 12th Imam.  No matter how you look at it, no matter who's prophecies prevail, war is inevitable.

    Tonight the President of the United States gave his reasons for the bombing of Libya.  My regular readers probably already know that I don't care what they are and I don't think anything he says really matters.  He's a puppet himself, who is told what to do by his handlers, just as our last president was told what to do by his handlers.  There are bigger powers working behind the scenes here.  We know some of their names, others remain in the shadows.  The United States no longer controls it's own destiny.  It hasn't for some time.  Our federal government is nothing more than a tool, and it is being used to enhance the power of those who are already powerful. 

    I suspect what we are seeing unfold now is the slow decline of the United States and Europe.  I believe the CIA sponsored rioting-coups are going to backfire.  I believe the Arab world will unite under some form of Islamist caliphate because of it.  I believe the State of Israel will inevitably go to war as a result.  I believe the United States will be left in an economic quagmire with rising gasoline prices, mortgage defaults, inflation and another market crash.  America's days of intervention in the Arab world are numbered.  The same goes for Europe.  Israel's fate is up for grabs, and the Muslim world is setting itself up for its final destruction.  The Islamists are likely going to get what they want for a time, but in the end it will destroy them and their entire religion.  Yes, this is how I see things unfolding, and all we can do is pray the rosary for the conversion of Russia.  There really is no other option left for a faithful Catholic.  Here's some good news in all of this.  As of 2012, the Russian Federation will begin teaching religion classes in all of it's public schools.  This is not the "conversion" we've been praying for, but it is a positive step in the right direction.  Somehow Russia is the linchpin in all of this.  So let's keep praying the rosary.

    Updated wish list

    Well, we live in a material world,

    and I am a material boy.

    so, here is my material wish list.

    Yes, I know it is stupid. :)

    top 10 wish list:

    01 Ipad (got it now!)
    Obviously this is the next big thing in my life.

    02 A collection of trendy boxer shorts (have collected some)
    We are talking Armani, Hugo boss, Ralph Lauren, Puma, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Clein.

    03 black Jeans
    I need a new pair of jeans badly.

    04 Sound system for the TV.
    To complete the movie experience in our living room.

    05 26 or 27 inch computer screen
    I am a multitasker, and sometimes I feel that my 22 inch screen is just not enough.

    06 Color laser printer
    The black printer is just not up for the job.

    07 A hugo boss suit
    Something I could use, my old suit has had a good run these last years. But it is time for a upgrade.

    08 Climbing stick for the cats
    They need something new, since the old one the tore apart. Crazy cats! :)

    09 A new computer
    the game battlefield 3 is going to be released soon, and I NEEED a new computer to fully apriciate the worlds greatest source for pleasure.
    10 A new bicycle
    for me and Sara, so we can take bike trips in summer.

    By the way, I wanted to ask my readers to do me a huge favor. There is a "facebook fanpage", and if you like this blog, please click on it. It is sort of a way for me to see if people like the blog or not.

    Sunday, March 27, 2011

    My first ipad drawing

    I did this one on my ipad2, using the app Sketchbook. Hope you like it. Feel free to share it with friends.

    - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

    Art: 4 new drawings

    Some new paintings I did. Hope you like them. These are the last I did on my Ipod. Now I draw on my Iphone only. Hope to be able to draw on a Ipad some day.


    "late hour"

    "rinced face"

    By the way, I wanted to ask my readers to do me a huge favor. There is a "facebook fanpage", and if you like this blog, please click on it. It is sort of a way for me to see if people like the blog or not.

    Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears and "Handsome" Johnny Barend

    Hawaii's 50th State Big Time Wrestling! Every week! Twice a week! At the Civic Auditorium, and at the KGMB television studios! Those were the days! It was when wrestling was fun.

    Now after saying that, I have to admit that I have a hard time understanding Professional Wrestling these days.  For me, it was never even close to vulgar and over the top as it is these days. It was tough hard hitting wrestling.  It had wrestling and judo moves. It had brawlers and some pretty rough characters.  They went 3 rounds instead of just one, there wasn't a lot of talking your opponent into submission. 

    There were a lot of torturous moves like the Figure Four Leg Lock, the Boston Crab, the Abdominal Stretch, the Japanese Arm Bar, the Wrist Lock, the Spinning Toe Hold, Chin locks, Sleeper Hold, and of course the Claw. 

    What it didn't have was today's silly acrobatics and elbow smashes from guys so full of tattoos that they look like they just got out of a prison somewhere near you.  In the old days wrestlers knew how to wrestle - and brawl if it came down to it.  They were tough and ready to beef!

    Well lately after a trip down memory lane, I decided to Google a couple of my boyhood Heroes. One was "Handsome" Johnny Barend, another was definitely Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears, and the last was a great wrestler by the name of "Gentleman" Jim Hady.

    "Gentleman" Jim Hady
    "Gentleman" Jim Hady and Ed Francis

    "Gentleman" Jim Hady and Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea

    "Gentleman" Jim Hady and Pepper Gomez

    "Gentleman" Jim Hady was a wrestler's wrestler. He knew moves and holds. But at the same time, he was a scrapper and could take it to fist city if his opponent wanted to take it there. He was tough, and yes he was loved in Hawaii.

    On January 13, 1969, Jim Hady died in Hawaii of a heart attack at the age of 38.

    The story of his passing, the way I remember it, was that he went home after a match and said he wasn't feeling well. He and his wife drove to a local hospital, and there died of a heart attack.

    He was only in his late 30s, he was married, and he passed away two days after my 13th birthday. It broke my heart.

    Right after he passed away, there was a memorial for "Gentleman" Jim Hady that I can still see clearly til today.

    The house lights at the Civic Auditorium were turned off and only the ring lights were on. Then all of the wrestlers, good and bad, all filed out and lined the ring facing the center of the ring. Then the time keeper rang the ring bell slowly for a ten count. 

    There was no other sound in the entire place other than the sound of that ring bell as it toll.

    There was no shuffling of chairs or talking or anything. After the last bell, the wrestlers turned toward the locker rooms and silently filed away from the ring. They left without fanfare or event. The house lights came back on and into the ring climbed an announcer and quietly watched as the last wrestler walked off.

    Once the last wrestler was gone, the announcer called for the mic to be lowered and he started announcing the first match.

    It was the finest memorial that I have ever witnessed.
    One of his last matches was against Gene Kiniski for the NWA World Title. I saw that match. And yes, Jim Hady was a "Good Guy." He was always a "Good Guy." I guess thinking about it right now, it must be quite a testament to him that someone still remembers him after more than 40 years.

    And yes, I remember him fondly.

    I remember his signing autographs before his matches. I remember on Saturdays at the KGMB Television Studios how he'd come out to talk to us in the audience before the matches started to demonstrate different holds. He'd show us how they worked and their effects. It was great stuff!

    A few months ago I searched both the Cauliflower Alley Club (CAC) and the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame (PWHF) websites to check their lists of inductees to see if any of the great Wrestlers from Hawaii had made their rooster.

    Because "Gentleman" Jim Hady passed away so young, I didn't think I'd find him listed. But honestly, I really couldn't believe that both organizations failed to remember two wrestlers who left their marks on the "Sport of Wrestling" like no other two back in the golden era of wrestling of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.

    One is Lord James "Tally-Ho" Blears and the other is "Handsome" Johnny Barend.

    Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears
    and Gene Kiniski
    I saw that Gene Kiniski is an inductee in both CAC and the PWHF.

    Kiniski was one half of a Champion Tag Team back in the 1950s that kept the title for years. The other half of that Tag Team was his partner Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears.

    Prior to coming to Hawaii, yes Lord James Blears held the World Tag Team Championship Title with Gene Kiniski.

    Lord Blears was one of the great British Wrestlers who entertained thousands after serving in World War II.
    He stayed with 50th State Wrestling from the start in 1961 through the end in 1979.

    Wrestled full time from 1961 till late 1965, then went in semi-retirement to focus on TV, announcing wrestling matches on TV and doing locker room interviews.

    And yes, besides being a World War II Hero and wrestler, while still wrestling, Lord Blears became the "creator" of the "Wrestler Interview" used in Hawaii's 50th State Big Time Wrestling.

    Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears
     That format became the prototype for Wrestler Interviews industry wide. It was copied throughout the mainland U.S. and is still used today.

    Lord Blears was the man behind the success of Hawaii's 50th State Big Time Wrestling. Now retired, to my knowledge Lord James Blears still lives in Hawaii.

    Lord Blears was the voice of 50th State Wrestling as well as Ed Francis who was the promoter.

    As a wrestler won the Hawaiian Tag Team Championships with Neff Maiava in 1961 and they held the title for over a year before losing their titles to Curtis Iaukea and Tosh Togo (of 007 fame) in September of  1962.

    Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears should be recognized in the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame (PWHF) for his more than 40 plus years in Wrestling.
    Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears in 1949

    Ripper Collins, "Handsome" Johnny Barend, Lord James Blears, and Pedro Morales
    Lord James Blears was born in 1924, so he'd be 86 or 87.  He should be recognized while he's still here to appreciate the honor.

    The other wrestler is "Handsome" Johnny Barend. He was one of the All-Time Greatest Tag Team wrestlers who won Championship Titles with 9 different partners. That, my friends, is a record that no one else has ever matched or beaten.

    He was tougher than tough. His was feared and respected. He was a "good guy," a "bad guy," and a "good /bad guy." He was always loved in Hawaii. Still is today.

    We called him "Handsome Johnny" and "Prince Pupule!" Hawaiian for Prince Crazy, because he came off as if he were insane. And most everyone those days, well we absolutely loved him

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend first appeared in Hawaii in September of 1955. But it wasn't until September of 1964 that "Handsome" Johnny returns to Hawaii and wrestles under new promoter Ed Francis.

    On October 6, 1964, "Handsome" Johnny won the Hawaiian Heavyweight Championship title over Neff Maiava in an elimination match. The Hawaiian title was vacated when then champion Gene Kiniski left Hawaii and did not return for a few years.

    "Handsome" Johnny remained in Hawaii until December 1964. During that time, he had memorable battles with Nick Bockwinkel, Curtis Iaukea, Ripper Collins, and many others.

    After going through a match that ended in "no contest" with Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea on December 4, 1964, "Handsome" Johnny left Hawaii again.

    As a result, "Handsome" Johnny is stripped of his Hawaiian Championship belt by promoter Ed Francis.

    He returns to Hawaii in January of 1966 and continued wrestling until December 1968. During that time, "Handsome" Johnny became a crowd favorite.

    On January 19, 1966, "Handsome" Johnny captured the United States Heavyweight title from Nick Kozak.

    Then during the following year, he also defended the United States Championship until March 1, 1967 when he lost the title to Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea. It wasn't until December 25, 1967, that "Handsome" Johnny defeated Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea for the United States title in a rematch.

    He would subsequently lose the title again, but this time to "Gentlemen" Jim Hady on April 24, 1968.

    From 1966 until December 1968, "Handsome" Johnny held the Hawaiian Tag Team title with several partners.  He held it with Ripper Collins (1966), Hans Mortier (1967), Jim Hady (1967), and The Magnificent Maurice (1968).

    "Handsome" Johnny was married in the ring in September of 1967 at the Honolulu International Center, the HIC Arena. In the ring with him was his Best Man, none other than "Gentleman" Jim Hady.

    Yes, besides being the 2 time NWA North American (Hawaii) Champion, and 2 time NWA United States Heavyweight (Hawaii) Champion, that fact is that Johnny Barend was actually married at the HIC Arena in the ring in 1969 before the start of that night's events.

    After the wedding "Handsome" Johnny and "Gentlemen" Jim Hady defended their Hawaiian tag titles and lost to Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea and Dutch Schultz.

    In September of 1968, "Handsome" Johnny Barend defeated Klondike Bill to win the Hawaiian Heavyweight Championship.

    But then on December 25, 1968, he failed to appear to defend his title against Nick Bockwinkel and was forced to give up the title to Bockwinkel.

    "Handsome" Johnny returned to Hawaii in December 1969 and defeated Pedro Morales for the North American title on December 25, 1969. Morales wins it back on August 5, 1970.

    He also held the Hawaiian Tag Team title with Ripper Collins (1969-1970) and Billy Robinson (1970).

    On December 8, 1970, he defeated Ripper Collins for the Hawaiian title in a steel cage match. After the match, he was attacked by Collins and Curtis Iaukea. Subsequently, Barend again left Hawaii and Promoter Ed Francis returned the Hawaiian title to Collins.

    In December of 1971, "Handsome" Johnny returned to Hawaii and captured the North American title from Sweet Daddy Siki on March 22, 1972.

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend
    In 1972, my Dad was out of work and left to go to the Mainland (California) to find work. My Mom, along with two of my brothers and my two sisters left for California in June.

    I left for California in August. Not long after that, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.

    I remember the day I got the call from my Grand-Father that there was going to be a Main Event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship between "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Dory Funk Jr. who held the title.

    Later I found out that each wrestler gained a fall, but neither wrestler could win the third and deciding fall and the time ran out. Yes, in those days it was two out of three falls to win a match.

    Because time ran out, the match was declared a draw. Because it was a draw, Dory Funk Jr. retained the NWA title.

    It was "Handsome" Johnny Barend's last match in Hawaii. When I found that out, I couldn't believe it. One of my heroes was gone.

    Then later, I heard that "Handsome" Johnny Barend suffered a chest injury and that that was what ended his career in Professional Wrestling.

    "Handsome" Johnny, our "Prince Pupule," the man who told us fairy tales about those "yellow rats" like Ripper Collins, the Sheik, Maddog Mayne, and others, never wrestled in Hawaii again.

    Though he remained the North American Champion until October 1972, after that injury, he retired from wrestling.

    It is interesting to note for anyone from Hawaii that "Handsome" Johnny appeared on the last Wrestling Card at the old Civic Auditorium in March 1972. He teamed up with Sam Steamboat and defeated Maddog Maine and Sweet Daddy Siki to capture the Hawaiian Tag Team title.

    A short time later, a vacant Civic Auditorium which had been a landmark on Oahu for more years than most can remember was demolished.

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend was outrageous, and his interviews with his trademark "Mister Francis" growl are legendary. Sure he had charisma, but he also came off as if he were a bit nuts. In Hawaii, he was a huge Celebrity. He was as big as singer Don Ho and actor Jack Lord of Hawaii 5-0 fame.

    He embraced Hawaii as his home, and the people in Hawaii embraced him as our own. Yes, we loved him.

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend created a character that was cemented in the memories of anyone who followed wrestling in Hawaii back in those days. 

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend
    A sports writer talking about Johnny Barend wrote:

    "Barend's shtick could only work with a good straight man. That was the role for Ed Francis, who was the host of the 50th State Wrestling program in the 1960s and early '70s, as well as the owner/promoter, or occasionally, Lord James Blears."

    "We're going to go talk to Handsome Johnny, and see what he has to say," Francis would say, and then it would start.

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend would start laughing as if he were nuts, smoke his cigar would drift, then he'd growl "Mister Francis! Mister Frances!"

    "Handsome" Johnny and Ed Frances
    Then as if out of the blue, he'd go into some fairy tale about yellow rats. For me, heck I can still remember him opening up a supposedly Mother Goose book of fairy tales and start talking about those "Yellow rats, Mister Francis! Those yellow rats!"

    It was always great entertainment even if it wasn't always about his upcoming bout. It may have just been about some of the people he was targeting as "bad guys."

    Famed wrestler Nick Bockwinkel described "Handsome" Johnny Barend this way:

    "He did a coo-coo bit. Promoter Ed Francis was always looking at the camera, kind of out of the corner of his eye as if to say 'hey are you getting this? This is as much to me as it is to you.' At that time, there were four channels in Honolulu, and 50% of the viewership was on this one channel (KGMB) at 4:30 in the afternoon until 6 p.m. It was just unreal, it was great, it was just too much."

    Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea
    In a 2005 interview, Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea said,

    "With his knee-high wrestling boots, dark glasses, top hat and cigar, Barend adopted the TV 'Batman' theme and later the theme from Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (soundtrack)  to enhance his gimmick of a being a mysterious wacko telling fractured fairy tales about his opponents. I think Johnny's bubble shifted to one side somewhere along the way and never came back straight."

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend is now around 80, and to my knowledge he's living in his native New York along with his wife Annie.

    Yes, the small local girl who he married in the ring many years ago is still his bride.

    Since the other morning when I found out that Curtis "Da Bull" Iaukea had passed away, I started thinking about growing up in Hawaii and going to the Civic and then later to the HIC Arena for wrestling with my Grandfather.

    It was a great time. It was a time when I learned that good guys and bad guys were usually clearly defined. Yet, I also learned that good guys could turn bad and bad guys could find the light. It was a time when I saw how some men were very tactical while some were just crazier than most.

    Like thousands of others, I loved "Gentlemen" Jim Hady and "Handsome" Johnny Barend when they were a tag team. They couldn't be beaten by anyone. 

    "Handsome" Johnny Barend was my favorite. I saw "Handsome" Johnny wrestle many many times when I was a kid, and I remember him like it was yesterday.

    He was tough. As tough as they come. He was insane and fun. And though I see both "Handsome" Johnny and Lord James "Tally Ho" Blears as immortals, I really wish that someone would look at the contributions of both.

    And if so, please look at them before they are no longer with us.

    My friends, thanks for the memories is so small a sentiment when I think back at how these men were my Heroes once upon a time. They both really need to be recognized.

    One last note. During my years as a U.S. Marine, especially during the tough days, I would remember how "Handsome" Johnny would take a beating during a match but never give up. Sometimes he would win and other times he wouldn't - but more times than not he'd win because he'd always keep fighting. 

    Years after he left wrestling, and I was a Marine Sergeant and an Instructor, he was still a great source of motivation for me. I'd remember how "Handsome" Johnny never quit!

    So as "Handsome" Johnny would cheer at the end of his interviews, "Mabuhi!"

    Long life, "Handsome" Johnny! And again, thanks!

    "Handsome" Johnny and wife Annie in 2008

    The immortal "Handsome" Johnny Barend