Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kajsa the explorer

It is funny, but Kajsa (the cat behind the big one, Simba). She is usually really evil to the other two cats. But in the wintertime, when she does not go outside that much, she becomes quite pleasant actually (perhaps a slap or two). But now the spring is upon us, and she can finally go out side.

You see, she is a outdoor cat, and her two kids (Simba and Agnes) are indoor cats.

But now she will finally be free to run outside for a couple of months.

She usually goes outside to mark her territory, and to explore new things, new cats, show them who is in charge. There is only one cat who is not afraid of her, a neighbor cat in the area. Sometimes they get into a fight with each other. But on some level I think they like each other.

She really has the best life a cat can have. She is free in the wild, but she has food and shelter to come home to, whenever she wants.

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